Read the Google Docs version of the report
Read the PDF version of the report
In September 2020, the UK government published the draft framework National Data Strategy (NDS) for public consultation, updating it in May 2021 in response to the views and evidence received. The National Data Strategy is built around five missions, including:
- Mission 1: Unlocking the value of data across the economy
- Mission 3: Transforming government’s use of data to drive efficiency and improve public services.
The Open Data Institute (ODI) is undertaking work to support the implementation of Mission 1 through new programmes on data literacy, data assurance, data institutions, data ecosystems and innovation, and evidence and foresight. But we believe that Mission 1 can’t be achieved independently of Mission 3 and government’s own use of data.
Our new report explores some of the ways in which government transforming its use of data can unlock the value of data across the wider economy. It builds on a crowdsourced map of the different organisations responsible for data across government, and the various data initiatives underway across government. We believe this report, and the 100+ pages of crowdsourcing that it draws on, are particularly timely in the light of the 2021 Spending Review, when the government sets out spending plans for the next few years. We hope our work will help the Treasury and others in government understand what is currently underway, what lessons can be learned, and how investment in data can be most effective.
Other useful links
You can read more about the project on our National Data Strategy: Help us map who is responsible for data in government page. As part of our crowdsourcing exercise, we published a series of blogposts, looking at the exercise through the lens of the six themes in our manifesto for open and trustworthy data ecosystems:
We also held a discussion as part of DataConnect21; and the report’s lead author, Gavin Freeguard, released a well-received song about it and published a guest blog.