
Join Sir Nigel Shadbolt and Elena Simperl as they discuss the role that data plays in training and refining generative AI systems.

In this webinar Sir Nigel Shadbolt, Executive Chair & Co-founder of the ODI, will review the role that data plays in training and refining generative AI systems. Exploring the impact of high quality open data in such systems, and the problems that arise if poor quality data is used as the feedstock for these AI systems. Finally, Sir Nigel Shadbolt will discuss the various steps that can be taken to ensure a healthy data ecosystem for AI. This event is chaired by Elena Simperl, Director of Research, ODI.


Sir Nigel Shadbolt, Executive Chair & Co-founder of the ODI

Sir Nigel Shadbolt is Executive Chair of the Open Data Institute, which he co-founded with Sir Tim Berners-Lee, and is one of the UK’s foremost computer scientists.

He is a leading researcher in artificial intelligence and was one of the originators of the interdisciplinary field of web science. He is Principal of Jesus College Oxford, a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Oxford and a visiting Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Southampton.

In 2009 the Prime Minister appointed him and Sir Tim Berners-Lee as Information Advisors to transform access to Public Sector Information. This work led to the highly acclaimed data.gov.uk site that now provides a portal to tens of thousands of datasets. In 2010, he joined the UK government’s Public Sector Transparency Board – overseeing Open Data releases across the public sector.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow and former President of the British Computer Society. He was knighted in 2013 for ‘services to science and engineering’.

Elena Simperl, Director of Research, ODI

Elena Simperl is the ODI’s Director of Research and a Professor of Computer Science at King’s College London. She is also a Fellow of the British Computer Society, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a senior member of the Society for the Study of AI and Simulation of Behaviour, and a Hans Fischer Senior Fellow.

Elena’s research is in human-centric AI, exploring socio-technical questions around the management, use, and governance of data in AI applications. According to AMiner, she is in the top 100 most influential scholars in knowledge engineering of the last decade. She also features in the Women in AI 2000 ranking.

In her 15-year career, she has led 14 national and international research projects, contributing to another 26. She leads the ODI’s programme of research on data-centric AI, which studies and designs the socio-technical data infrastructure of AI models and applications. Elena chaired several conferences in artificial intelligence, social computing, and data innovation. She is the president of the Semantic Web Science Association.

Elena is passionate about ensuring that AI technologies and applications allow everyone to take advantage of their opportunities, whether that is by making AI more participatory by design, investing in novel AI literacy interventions, or paying more attention to the stewardship and governance of data in AI.

Event details

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