This is our response to the consultation on the future of transport data.
We welcome both the select committee’s inquiry and the transport data strategy upon which it is based. Our response draws upon expertise from across the Open Data Institute and previous work on transport data.
This previous work includes:
- Enabling Data Sharing for Social Benefit Through Data Trusts: Data Trusts in Climate (ODI authors as part of a Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence report, 2022)
- Mobility data sharing during the pandemic (2021, and an earlier 2020 piece)
- Project Odysseus - using existing infrastructure to tackle new problems (2021)
- An interview with TomTom (2021)
- Geospatial data and technology (2020)
- The ODI submission to the ‘Future of transport regulatory review’ (2020)
- The ODI submission to the ‘Future of mobility’ consultation (2018)
- Can data infrastructure help fix travel woes in the north of England? (2018)
- Transport data in the UK and France (2018)
- Personal data in transport: exploring a framework for the future (2018)
- Briefing paper: UK government must support data sharing and open data in transport (2017)
- The future of transport? Shared services built on data (2017)
- Visualising rail disruption (2015)
Our key recommendations
- The use of data ecosystem mapping and making as much data as possible as openly available as possible (with clear governance structures)
- This may lead to incorporating data to address missed opportunities like information on multimodal journeys
- Data and related governance structures should be viewed as essential infrastructure for the transport system
- Data infrastructure should include new modes of public participation and empowerment