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Modern artificial intelligence (AI) systems are characterised by models of large scale and high flexibility, capable of producing rich outputs.

Recognising both the potential and the risks of these new models, the Open Data Institute has embarked on a programme of work on data-centric AI, designed to bring about an AI ecosystem grounded in responsible data practices.

As part of this work, we set out to develop a taxonomy of the data involved in developing, using and monitoring foundation AI models and systems. It is a response to the way that the data used to train models is often described as if a static, singular blob, and to demonstrate the many types of data needed to build, use and monitor AI systems safely and effectively.

As well as using it in our own work, we hope for this taxonomy to be used by others - especially researchers and policymakers. We think it will add nuance in ongoing debates in data for AI, including where equitable access to data is badly needed going forward, whether developers are really about to ‘run out of data’, and which AI datasets are critical to the AI ecosystem and therefore require particularly thoughtful stewardship.

Although designed to reflect the data involved in large, foundation models, we suspect much of the taxonomy will also apply to smaller, narrower models too.

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A taxonomy of the data involved in developing, using and monitoring AI systems

Developing AI systems

Existing data

  • Existing data is data that is not used directly to develop an AI model, but is the basis of the training datasets that are used to do so.
  • Existing data can be closed (e.g. most enterprise data), shared (e.g. OpenAI’s Private Datasets programme) or open (e.g. Wikipedia).
  • Data that is public rather than openly licensed (e.g. most websites) is not necessarily appropriate and/or legal to use for model training.
  • Although many foundation models are able to work with data of various modes (text, images, audio, video, etc), existing data is often messy and not necessarily ‘AI-ready’.

Training data

  • Training data is data that has been processed specifically to train an AI model.
  • The data is fed to the model to enable the model to recognise patterns within it, refine itself and produce accurate responses to queries.
  • Training datasets may be compiled by preparing existing data (e.g. by combining a collection of textual documents and images) and/or by combining multiple training datasets (e.g. The Pile consists of 22 smaller training datasets).
  • Training data can be closed, shared or open data. Examples of openly licensed training datasets include CommonCrawl and ImageNet, and those available on platforms such as Hugging Face, Dataverse and OpenML.

Reference data

Fine-tuning data

  • Fine-tuning data is used to adapt a pre-trained model to suit more specialised use cases, while maintaining its original capabilities. This data helps produce fine-tuned or custom models.
  • Fine-tuning data is generally substantially smaller than the training dataset used, and importantly, provides specific knowledge, tasks or use cases to a model.
  • The data used to undertake fine-tuning depends on the technique used. It can involve: taking portions of a training dataset and reserving them for fine-turning; labelling a portion of training data with more context; domain adaptation, where the source of data and target tasks are the same as those used in training but the distributions within the data are different; or augmentation, where new data is created by applying transformations to the original training data (like rotations, scaling, and cropping for image data).
  • There is a significant amount of human input and labour involved in fine-tuning datasets, such as in the process of labelling datasets with contextual information.

Testing and validation data

  • Testing and validation data is data used to test a model while it’s in development.
  • Portions of a training dataset can be reserved for testing and validation, but to be useful they need to offer some guarantees of their accuracy, completeness and/or representativeness. The concept of ground truth data has emerged to describe data that has some degree of manual, human validation.


  • Benchmarks are datasets that can be used to evaluate the performance of models.
  • Performance in model development seeks to measure the accuracy of the predictions or classifications that a model can make by feeding it with previously-unseen data. Here, accuracy is understood as a general term to indicate performance - in practice, depending on the type of model and the task it is applied to, engineers will use a range of metrics.
  • Benchmarks can be open, closed or shared. There is momentum behind the creation of more open benchmarks - such as MLCommons Benchmark Datasets and WikiBench - to enable model comparison across the AI community.
  • Benchmarks can also involve evaluations of a model’s safety, such as the MLCommons AI Safety Test Specification Schema.

Synthetic data

  • Synthetic data refers to data that is created algorithmically, often using models or simulations, rather than originating from real-world sources.
  • Training data, fine-tuning data and benchmarks can be generated synthetically, and synthetic data can be made closed, shared or open (e.g. Awesome Synthetic (text) Datasets).
  • There is concern in some parts of the AI community about model collapse, where a model gradually degrades through ingesting too much synthetic data, including data the model may have itself generated.

Data about the data used to develop models

  • Many leading AI firms do not disclose data about the data they’ve used to develop AI models.
  • However, there are various approaches and standards now emerging to disclose data about the data used to develop AI models - including Data Cards, Data Nutrition Labels and Croissant - as well as an increasing number of mandates from governments for firms to publish or share this data.
  • Data about data used to develop AI models involves disclosing aspects such as: the size of the dataset; the source of the data; who created the data; how the data was created; how the dataset has been augmented; whether the dataset includes copyrighted data; what licence the data can be used under; and if personal information is included in the data.
  • Data about data is often described as metadata. But this term is generally associated with machine-readable formats, whereas approaches like Data Cards are essentially documentation of datasets as well as related processes.

Deploying AI systems

Model weights

  • Model weights are numerical values that a model learns and adjusts to during its development. Each weight represents a specific relationship or understanding the model has captured from the data it was trained on.
  • Weights encode various contextual relationships, such as linguistic patterns, word meanings and grammar rules.
  • There is momentum behind making weights openly available. Models with open weights include Mistral 7B and LLaMA.

Local data

  • Local data is the data an AI model will ingest and process when it’s deployed into a particular context.
  • The local data involved depends on the purpose of the model, its underlying architecture and the way users interact with it. This data needs to be processed before it can be used by an AI model, just like existing or reference data used in the model’s development.
  • For example, a model that uses retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) accesses a new pool of data just before it responds to a user’s query, in order to enhance the accuracy and reliability of its response. A law firm, for example, could use RAG to grant a model access to its internal case databases and email system to generate accurate and relevant outputs, such as draft contract terms or emails, for its staff.


  • A prompt is an instruction or query, typically written in natural language, inputted to an AI system to generate a response. Prompts are used in many generative, consumer-facing AI tools, such as ChatGPT or Midjourney
  • There are different prompt techniques that can be used, such as chain of thought or few shot learning.
  • A number of databases of and platforms for prompts have emerged, including PromptBase, Hugging Face and AI Prompt Database.
  • Platforms such as SafetyPrompts maintain catalogues of prompt databases that can be used by developers to mitigate the use of prompts that elicit sensitive or unsafe responses.

Outputs from models

Monitoring AI systems

Data about models

  • Many leading AI firms have not disclosed data about the models they’ve developed.
  • However, there are various approaches and standards now emerging to disclose data about models, such as Model Cards, as well as an increasing number of mandates from governments for firms to publish or share this data.
  • Data about models involves disclosing aspects such as: the model version; the person or organisation developing the model; the licence it is made available under; its intended users and uses; technical attributes; model performance metrics, the data it has been trained on, and ethical considerations for its use.

Data about model usage and performance in context

  • Many models collect a vast amount of data as they are used, such as the logs of queries made by users, as well as data about its speed and performance. This data is used by the company supplying the model to make improvements.
  • There are arguments and proposals for researchers to have greater access to data about model usage and performance in context (e.g. from the Centre for Democracy and Technology, the Centre for the Governance of AI and The Collective Intelligence Project). In the absence of data about model usage and performance in context, members of the AI community sometimes undertake their own evaluation campaigns and publish the results openly (e.g. DecodingTrust). More data about model usage and performance in context will be generated as third party testing, red-teaming and auditing of AI systems scales.
  • Some are concerned that a new data asymmetry is emerging between the firms supplying models and the consumers that use them. Microsoft, for example, has added restrictions to its consumer AI product’s terms and conditions that ban users from scraping or otherwise extracting data from them.

Registers of model deployments

Data about the AI ecosystem