Sue Chadwick
Research Fellow
Sue Chadwick is a planning solicitor. Her main job is for Pinsent Masons LLP where she is a Strategic Advisor on planning law and policy issues. She's been particularly interested in digital planning for a while, and after finishing a PhD in 2017, decided to carry on with research in this area – specialising in what we mean by digital land, the implications of AI for planning decisions, and digital ethics.
It was the world of digital ethics that got Sue interested in joining the ODI, along with the ODI Friday events that she has enjoyed both before and after lockdown. Sue says that working with Jeni Tennison (Vice President and Chief Strategy Adviser), Olivier Thereaux (Head of Research and Development) and Janis Wong (Research Fellow) has been brilliant.
Away from work, Sue is a dedicated runner, a reluctant yogi, a passionate supporter of contemporary dance and, 'tragically', also an Arsenal supporter.
Content by Sue Chadwick
Meet the 2020 ODI Research Fellows