2024 was a busy year for data and AI policy, and 2025 promises to be no different – in the UK, January has already brought the government’s AI Opportunities Action Plan and will soon see the Data (Use and Access) Bill return to parliament for more debate. But there are also significant fresh starts beyond our shores, with a new presidency in the United States and a new Commission in Europe, which could have a major impact on data and AI.
Join the ODI policy team and some special guests as we look at what we might expect from the year ahead. And, as ever, there’ll be a chance for you to share your thoughts and ask questions too.
Grace Nelson, Assembly Research
Grace Nelson is an analyst with Assembly Research where she tracks global regulatory developments in technology and telecommunications. Her portfolio includes emerging issues in digital policymaking, such as online safety, digital competition and AI, as well as work across a range of consumer protection issues in communications markets. Grace also maintains her academic research interests on the intersection of media, technology and labor through work with the Our Data Bodies project. She is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and the London School of Economics and a former staffer with the US Senate.
Connor Dunlop, European Public Policy Lead, Ada Lovelace Institute
Gavin Freeguard, Freelance consultant: data policy, research and advocacy, The ODI
Gavin is a freelance consultant working on data policy, research and advocacy.