Consultation response
An AI-ready National Data Library
Consultation response
The ODI’s input to the AI Action Plan: an AI-ready National Data Library
Consultation response
Data Sharing in a Digital Future
Consultation response
Open Communications: a Smart Data scheme for the UK telecoms market
Consultation response
Wandsworth Cost of Living Commission call for evidence
Consultation response
Transforming the UK's evidence base
Consultation response
Large language models
Consultation response
The future of transport data
Consultation response
Generative artificial intelligence in education
Consultation response
AI regulation: a pro-innovation approach
Consultation response
Data Protection and Digital Information (No. 2) Bill
Consultation response
Update to Green Finance Strategy: call for evidence
Consultation response
The ODI responds to the European Commission’s proposed European Health Data Space
Consultation response
Outline of the ODI’s draft response to the UK data protection consultation
Consultation response
Expert perspectives on the UK data protection consultation