On Tuesday 2 July, the ODI celebrated London Data Week with Data Time TV, a look at the role data plays in art, culture and sport. We were joined by Hannah Redler-Hawes (Director, Data as Culture art programme and Associate Curator) and Dr Denis Newman-Griffis (University of Sheffield) in a fascinating chat about data, art and AI. We were then treated to a showing of Alan Warburton’s film The Wizard of AI.
In the second half of the programme Molly Hrudka (The FA), Adam Freeman-Pask (Fulham Reach Boat Club) and Andrew Newman (the ODI) joined host Emma Thwaites to talk about data and sport, with a particular focus on grassroots participation.
And finally, Gavin Freeguard reprised The Data Game, testing the knowledge of data expert Miranda Sharp and Stefan Webb (TPXImpact)...and our audience…in a range of fun data-related quizzes.
You can watch the whole thing at your leisure. Enjoy!
Data Time TV was produced and presented by the ODI for London Data Week.