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The ODI has developed a range of tools to help authorities make better use of city data. The tools are designed to help teams work with a range of stakeholders, such as service delivery partners, local businesses and even citizens to understand what data the city collects and how it can be used to address city wide challenges.

Join our webinar to find the ODI can support you as you plan to address Covid-19 concerns in your domain. In the 30-minute interactive session we’ll explore:

  • The role of data in helping cities to make better decisions
  • How to identify what data you have, where it is shared and how it is used
  • How to identify blockers and unexplored opportunities
  • The impact of data use on your citizens
  • Open cities
  • How the ODI can support you

Who is this for?

The webinar is for those responsible for making decisions in city authorities, particularly around Covid-19 concerns.