DB mindbox Hackathon 12.05.2017 und 13.05.2017

Data Pitch, a new data accelerator, is the first of its kind to bring together data providers from across Europe with nagging business problems with startups whose fresh ideas for data products and services could help solve them.

DB mindbox Hackathon 12.05.2017 und 13.05.2017

Successful startups will receive up to €100k equity free funding, expert mentoring, and a range of business advice. Companies can apply here. The project is funded by European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and delivered by the ODI, the University of Southampton, Beta-i and Dawex.Professor Elena Simperl, who is helping to lead Data Pitch, says: “I believe the challenges we have selected illustrate very well the diversity of the EU data economy [including] cross cutting business challenges, healthcare, education, transport, tourism and manufacturing.”Built around twelve challenges designed by organisations, experts and the public, Data Pitch has designed an open competition for startups and SMEs from across Europe.The challenges include:

  • Future-proofing retail supply chains
  • Changing public transport for the better
  • Using data to ensure we develop the skills we need in the future

Data providers who are already signed up to Data Pitch and looking for collaborators, include:

  • Portuguese retail business Sonae Retail
  • German data management provider Uniserv GmBH
  • Italian big data and machine learning company SpazioDati
  • UK’s imin, an open data scaleup working with physical activity data

Over the next three months the programme is seeking applications from European startups and SMEs on how to address these twelve challenges. The application deadline is 1 October 2017, with interviews for shortlisted companies in London the week commencing 30 October 2017.

Find out more and apply to take part or contact us: [email protected]

Follow: @DataPitchEU #askdatapitch