We are excited to introduce the latest version of our Consequence and Risk Evaluation (CARE) tool. Built to empower organisations to proactively assess and mitigate potential impacts of their products and services on society, the CARE tool introduces powerful new features and enhancements to streamline the consequence scanning process.

consequence and risk evaluation tool

What is Consequence Scanning?

Consequence Scanning, a core component of the CARE tool, represents the evolution of the Consequence Scanning toolkit initially developed by doteveryone and now stewarded by ODI. This approach enables organisations to assess the potential impacts of their products and services on people, communities, and the planet. It emphasises proactive identification and mitigation of potential harms or disasters before they occur, aligning with agile principles and organisational values.

How to Conduct Consequence Scanning

Conducting Consequence Scanning with the CARE tool centres around answering three fundamental questions:

  1. What are the intended and unintended consequences of this product or feature?
  2. What are the positive consequences we want to focus on?
  3. What are the consequences we want to mitigate?

These questions serve as catalysts for critical thinking and discussion, guiding organisations in uncovering both anticipated and unforeseen outcomes of their initiatives. By documenting responses and assigning action responsibilities, organisations create a tangible artefact to inform decision-making and drive responsible innovation. Embedding Consequence Scanning into workflows ensures that products and services positively impact society while aligning with organisational goals.

The ODI has advanced consequence scanning through the CARE tool, emphasising risk management and integration into established business practices. This evolution transforms the traditional brainstorming session into a structured digital tool, enhancing accessibility and effectiveness.

Focus on Risk Management

CARE places a heightened focus on risk management, recognising the importance of identifying and addressing potential risks associated with products and services. By leveraging advanced AI technologies and data analysis, the tool assists organisations in comprehensively assessing and managing risks throughout the development lifecycle.

Key Features of the CARE Tool:

  • Interactive Interface: The CARE tool features an intuitive interface that guides users through the consequence scanning process, making it accessible to both experts and novices.
  • AI Assistance (at user's discretion): Powered by ChatGPT, the tool offers AI-driven suggestions and insights to enhance the consequence scanning experience, enabling users to generate ideas and identify potential impacts more effectively.
  • Collaboration and Review: Organisations can share assessments with colleagues and experts for review and feedback directly within the tool. Leverage the expertise of ODI professionals to enhance the quality and effectiveness of consequence scanning activities.
  • Downloadable Risk Report: Users can download a fully formatted risk register in Microsoft Word format, providing a comprehensive overview of identified consequences and mitigation strategies.
  • Data Export Options: In addition to the risk report, the CARE tool allows users to export data in raw form and CSAV format for further analysis and integration with external tools.

Getting Started with the CARE Tool

To access the CARE tool, simply sign up for an ODI account.

A free account enables users to create a single assessment and utilise the AI assistant. For additional assessments and collaborative features, consider becoming an ODI member.

We are currently testing the care tool with existing clients, and members. If you would like to help us test the tool then please contact us and help us build a future where technology serves humanity responsibly and ethically.