In 2023-24 we partnered with Humanity United to facilitate a peer-learning network for organisations that use data to empower workers on the ground and support ethical supply chains. The key aim was to support organisations that use data to strengthen workers’ rights on the ground by providing financial support and opportunities to participate in knowledge-sharing and networking events to address more effectively the data challenges they experience. In this report, we review how an eight-month peer-learning network programme has enabled shared learning and collaboration and evaluate the impact this has had on the creation of a more open and integrated data ecosystem.
The impact report shares the baseline to endline insights gathered from the participants at the end of the network surveying several indicators:
- Network reach and engagement identified the direct and indirect collaborative reach of all participants that extended to more than 500,000 stakeholders in the labour rights and supply chain sector, and tracks changes in how network members improved their support for workers based on insights gained from the network
- Data challenges track how participants describe their data challenges from baseline to endline and how tools and roundtable discussions introduced a shift of focus toward impact
- Data trustworthiness and data ethics explore changing attitudes and increased awareness of data rights and privacy as supported by roundtable discussions and the ODI data ethics canvas workshop
- Knowledge sharing considers how learning from each other approaches inspired new thinking and projects in particular around data utilisation and access
- Network expansion looks at how the network has inspired new and upcoming collaborations between all participants and also looks at the reach of the final public event attracting 269 registrations from 11 countries.
- Increasing impact of data evaluates how participation in the network allows the testing out and validation of new and existing approaches leading to new projects and the development of new features.
For more information about the peer-learning network, how it was designed, the challenges that we encountered and overcame in facilitating it, and the impact it has had, please have a read of our write-up.
We would like to express our thanks to Humanity United for their support and to the seven organisations that participated in the network who have contributed their time and have openly shared their insights and learnings for everyone to benefit from.