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Explore our new interactive tool and report – commissioned by Roche – created to compare the policy readiness of countries across Europe for the secondary use of health data, and identify good practice across the region

The pandemic has shown us the value of bringing together population health data from multiple sources. But efforts to share health data across European countries is currently very fragmented. Secondary use of health data can play a crucial role in improving health systems.

'Secondary use of health data' means using aggregated health data from population-level sources – such as electronic health records, health insurance claims data and health registry data – to improve personal care planning, medicines development, safety monitoring, research, and policymaking.

The ODI has created a Europe-wide ranking that shows which nations are ready for secondary use of health data. We aim to give health professionals, researchers and policy makers a better understanding of the health data landscape across Europe, so together we can improve the health of future generations.

Use our interactive comparison tool

Use this new, interactive tool to look up the policy readiness of countries across Europe for the secondary use of health data, and identify good practice across the region.


Use the tool

Explore our ‘Secondary use of health data’ report

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A new ODI report, commissioned by Roche, benchmarks the policy environment of each country and of the EC, and provides rankings, country scorecards, in-depth country profiles, and a library of good practice highlights.

It also identifies policy opportunities, policy needs, and ways forward for a wide range of communities, ranging from patient groups to competition regulators, to collaborate together to improve the European health data policy environment.

View our country profiles to view a breakdown of each country’s data by each of our indicators.

Read the report

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