This Open Day Day, ODI CEO Jeni Tennison shares what it means to build a strong data economy and why governments and businesses need to consider the roles of equity, ethics and engagement in creating one

In our digital age, we rely on data to make informed decisions.

From citizens looking for the fastest route home to companies looking for businesses to invest in, technologies and services that collect, store and share data are increasingly shaping the choices we make. We need a strong data economy to underpin this movement.

However, like all emerging markets, the data economy has a way to go in building the strength it needs to make a significant positive impact. Identifiable gaps in the data economy – including a strong data infrastructure, investment in data skills and data innovation – must all be addressed for its potential to be reached sustainably.

In this video – recorded for our node ODI Vienna's Open Data Day event – our CEO Jeni Tennison takes us through a 'how to', addressing these gaps in detail. But beyond these immediate gaps, Jeni says, is the need for governments and the private sector to consider the roles of equity, ethics and engagement in the push for a stronger data economy.

Jeni concludes with the idea that through advocating an open approach in considering these aspects, we maximise the positive impact of the data economy for everyone.

If you have ideas or experience in open data that you'd like to share, pitch us a blog or tweet us at [@ODIHQ]( “@ODIHQ”).